Announcements, Parachain

Metaverse NFT Package Rewards Release Now!

Supporters! We are distributing the Metaverse NFT Package rewards of the Crab Kusama Slot Auction. We‘ve won the 22nd Kusama parachain slot! Thanks for contributing to Crab Network…

February 17, 2022

Announcements, Infrastructure

Darwinia Partners with OnFinality to Build the API Service on Crab Network

Crab, the Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on Kusama, announced the availability of a new API service powered by OnFinality, a Polkadot-focused cloud infrastructure service provider…

February 14, 2022

Announcements, Grants

MetaRock Receives Darwinia Grant, Bringing NFT Trading and Minting Market on Crab Network

Crab, the Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on Kusama, accepted the MetaRock project into our grants program, a NFT market that allows users to mint and trade their NFT on Crab…

February 11, 2022

Announcements supports Darwinia and sponsors the Crab Hackathon!
Additional 100,000 CRAB For the Crab Network Developers Airdrop Program
Crab Network will Connect with the Kusama Network as the 22nd Parachain Slot!
Announcing the Crab Network Developers Airdrop Program
RMRK is now an official sponsor of Darwinia Crab Hackathon!
1BTC Rewards for Darwinia Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction have been Delivered!
Tutorials, Builders

Build on Darwinia 2–6: Crab Smart Chain vs Ethereum

Crab Smart Chain(CSC) is compatible with Ethereum, which is one of its most important features…

March 4, 2022

Tutorials, Tools

Using Darwinia Tools 3–8: Darwinia Apps Lite Guide Part Ⅰ: Account

We will launch a series of articles to help users understand Darwinia’s tools, and this article is a tutorial to the new version of Apps Lite…

February 26, 2022

Tutorials, Builders

Build on Darwinia 2–5: Understanding Crab Chain and Crab Smart Chain

There are two chains in the Darwinia Crab network, Crab Chain(CC) and Crab Smart Chain(CSC)…

February 18, 2022

Tutorials, Tools
Understanding Darwinia Tools 3–7: Crab Parachain Part IV: Crab Crowdloan
Tutorials, Tools
Understanding Darwinia Tools 3–6: Crab Parachain Part III: What’s the Parachain Crowdloan?
Tutorials, Tools
Understanding Darwinia Tools 3–5: Crab Parachain Part II: What’s the Parachain Slot Auction?
Tutorials, Tools
Understanding Darwinia Tools 3–4: Crab Parachain Part Ⅰ: What’s the Parachain?
Tutorials, Bridge
Understanding Darwinia Bridge 1–8: How to Develop a Substrate-to-Substrate Bridge
Tutorials, Builders
Build on Darwinia 2–4: Deploying Uniswap V2 to Crab/Pangolin Network Part II

Darwinia Monthly Dispatch: February 2022

Updates: Crab parachain successfully connected to Kusama relaychain, and the Crab parachain collators are working smoothly…

March 2, 2022


Darwinia Monthly Dispatch: January 2022

Updates: Crab Network has won the 22nd Kusama parachain slot, Crab parachain will connect to Kusama next month…

February 17, 2022


Darwinia Monthly Dispatch: December 2021

Development Updates: Released Darwinia/Crab version 0.11.7, 0.11.8. Important notice to validators: v0.11.8 is a mandatory upgrade so please upgrade your nodes to this version ASAP before next runtime upgrade…

January 11, 2022

Granted by Web3 Foundation
Copyright@2022 Darwinia Network
Substrate Builder Program